Ads You Aim AT
We get pre-qualified customers to target you. Let us demonstrate how a refreshingly simple approach to outdoor advertising delivers clear & measurable advantages over the competition.
» Low CPM, repeated impressions
» Direct customer relationships
» Dynamic promotions
» Deeper insight
Getting from new customers to sticky to loyal to advocate is about relationships… not statistics. With Aimed On Ads, you’re always connected with the best customers to learn from, & become valuable contributors to local communities.
Over the past 30 years, advertising has become gimmicky & manipulative, no more.
New Customer, No Waste, Stay in Control
focus on maximum engagement, repetition, connectivity, & culture
hobbies, & spending patterns.
Stay top of mind & topic of conversation with groups of high-value-customers while they’re out enjoying time together.
Over the past 30 years, advertising has become gimmicky & manipulative, no more.
EZ Target is a new set of tools for putting profits ahead of revenue in your marketing.
We purposefully limit the reach of every add in order to get the benefits of targeting, engagement, repetition… without the pitfalls of T&C’s, waste, auction markets.
Advertisers get customized ROI & conversion measurements, because the best way to learn more is to start with what you already know.
Not selling tech data. build on what you know, confidence/traceability in ROI numbers… as opposed to opaque black box that is the norm
Do your ads eat more profits every year?
Do your promotions lead you to learn about your customers?… Do they teach your customers to spend less?
We put you on the path toward better insight, control, long-term, profitable relationships.
With us, you get a true edge over the competition.
Here’s How
Community Advantage
Meet customers in their comfort zone, let them get to know you, and stay engaged. Be top of mind & topic of conversation by delighting local communities.
Secure ad placements where customers target you – repeatedly – for hours. That means familiar, relatable, studied social circles – that fit your brand – actually Aim On your Ads.
Build profitable, lasting relationships with communities your brand can grow with & customers that become advocates.